Автоматизированная платформа сопровождения процесса строительства скважины DrillFlow
✓ Completed
Программное обеспечение для роботизированной сортировочной ячейки изделий сложной формы
✓ Completed
Neuroscience and cognitive technologies
(Русский) Анализ адаптивных механизмов функциональной сети мозга при продолжительной когнитивной нагрузке с использованием спектроскопии ближнего инфракрасного диапазона
Neuroscience and cognitive technologies
(Русский) Физико-математические методы мониторинга перцептивной активности головного мозга для предсказания ошибок принятия решений
Neuroscience and cognitive technologies
(Русский) Персонализация траектории обучения на основе измерения когнитивных и личностных характеристик обучаемого с использованием нейроинтерфейса "мозг-компьютер" и методов искусственного интеллекта
(Русский) Физико-математические методы мониторинга перцептивной активности головного мозга для предсказания ошибок принятия решений
(Русский) Анализ адаптивных механизмов функциональной сети мозга при продолжительной когнитивной нагрузке с использованием спектроскопии ближнего инфракрасного диапазона
Development of methods for the analysis of neuroimaging data to identify processes in the human brain during motor activity for the development of brain-computer interfaces
Specialized robotics
Разработка методов управления робототехническими системами, включая системы реабилитации и обучающие системы, с использованием интерфейсов «мозг-компьютер» и технологий обратной связи
Autonomous transportation systems
Development of design methods for airship control systems, unified to their technical characteristics and executive mechanisms
✓ Completed
Artificial intelligence
Development of algorithms and software for automatic filtering of thoracic organs x-ray images
Artificial intelligence
The development of new mathematical methods and algorithms for the analysis of intrathoracic organs x-ray images for the lung diseases diagnostic automation by solving the problem of classifying images with high intraclass and low interclass dispersion
Neuroscience and cognitive technologies
RFBR grant to the winner of the Competition for the best projects for organizing scientific events held in March-December 2019 in the Russian Federation.
Neuroscience and cognitive technologies
Physical methods for assessing, training and controlling human cognitive performance accounting personality traits a person’s cognitive functions, taking into account his personality traits
Neuroscience and cognitive technologies
Physical foundations of self-learning adaptive intelligent systems and their application in biomorphic and anthropomorphic robotics
Mechatronics, control and prototyping
Development of the modeling and control methods for reconfigurable cable robots taking into account elastic deformations of mechanical elements
✓ Completed
Industrial robotics
Roadmap of industrial processes robotization (Novocherkassk Electric Locomotive Plant (NEVZ) LLC and «2050» LLC)
Industrial robotics
Development of a system for optimizing warehouse processes based on mixed reality
Mechatronics, control and prototyping
Development of a universal robotic with high cross-country performance - StriRus
Mechatronics, control and prototyping
Development of a hardware-software complex of an anthropomorphic walking robot
Industrial robotics
Development of models, methods and algorithms for calibrating parallel robots with flexible connections
Industrial robotics
Development of modeling methods for robotic systems with mechanical compliance and deficit / excess of control actions and algorithms for controlling the position and elastic properties of the system
Autonomous transportation systems
Creation of commercial urban transport with the City Pilot intelligent driver assistance system
✓ Completed
Mechatronics, control and prototyping
Development of a rigidity model and methods for compensating for compliance errors for walking anthropomorphic platforms
Mechatronics, control and prototyping
Intelligent methods for creating and improving motion primitives for anthropomorphic robots
Mechatronics, control and prototyping
Development of a hardware-software complex for ensuring movement on smooth and rough terrain of anthropomorphic robotic systems with variable stiffness drives
✓ Completed
Autonomous transportation systems
Development of a modular system for remote and autonomous control of commercial vehicles in conjunction with a complex of aerial reconnaissance of the traffic route based on components
✓ Completed
Autonomous transportation systems
The concentration of methane and carbon dioxide monitoring in the industrial environment (facilities and pipelines) using multi-rotor unmanned aerial vehicles
Industrial robotics
Development of methods for identifying models of the interaction of a robot with adaptive compliance with humans and the environment
Industrial robotics
Development of a hardware-software complex with force moment feedback for an autonomous robotic assembly area
✓ Completed