Development of a rigidity model and methods for compensating for compliance errors for walking anthropomorphic platforms

Dmitry Popov
project lead
Financing: The Russian foundation for basic research
Laboratory: Laboratory of mechatronics, control and prototyping
Status: Выполняется
The aim of the project is to develop a model of an anthropomorphic platform that takes into account various sources of compliance errors arising from insufficient rigidity of parts and/or joints of the robot, as well as creating an effective method of compensating for these errors. Due to the influence of gravity and/or external influence on the elements of the robot, compliance errors occur in any mechanism and can significantly reduce the accuracy of the task. For a two-legged robot, an error in positioning the foot relative to the surface of the earth is critical from the point of view of stability, since premature or belated contact with the surface can cause the robot to fall. The problem of the influence of robot compliance on positioning accuracy has been repeatedly considered for industrial robots, but for bipedal robots, it has not yet been solved. Algorithms and compensation methods proposed on the basis of the resulting model will solve this problem.