Development of methods for identifying models of the interaction of a robot with adaptive compliance with humans and the environment

Alexandr Klimchick
project lead
Financing: Russian Science Foundation (RSF)
Laboratory: Industrial Robotics Lab
Status: Выполняется
The aim of the project is to assess the impact on the robot of external forces and the classification of their nature, using direct and indirect measurements of its configuration. The current approaches to assessing external impact are severely limited in their capabilities and can only be applied if the point of application of external force is known in advance. The most promising approach to solving the tasks is the use of double encoders. Other methods of measuring the real configuration of the robot based on the measurement of linear and angular quantities will also be considered, a comparative analysis of their effectiveness will be carried out. The proposed approach for assessing external forces will be implemented using the model of rigidity of the manipulator and additional information about the state of the robot (its real configuration). The project covers the development of mathematical models, identification methods and robot control algorithms for various models of interaction between the manipulator and the environment.