Robotics Educational Program from Innopolis University started at Kemerovo State Agricultural Institute

Employees of the Center for Technologies in Robotics and Mechatronics Components of Innopolis University conduct the survey educational course in Robotics for students of the Kuzbass State Agricultural Academy (Kemerovo). The program consists of four units, each unit includes lecture and practical classes.

The educational program consists of such units as: Basics of Robotics, Dynamics and Robotic Systems Control, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Autonomous Vehicles. Each of the units lasts few days. The course will be taught by employees of Industrial Robotics Lab and the Autonomous Transportation Systems Lab.

Alexander Klimchik, Professor, Head of the Center for Technologies in Robotics and Mechatronics Components:

“It is very important for us not only to develop competencies in the Center, but also to transmit advanced knowledge to all interested universities and their students. The program conducted in Kemerovo is the first step on this path. We are pleased to share our theoretical advances and knowledges and hope that other universities, for which robotics is main direction for the further ​​development, will follow the example. As part of the course, students will have four modules about the principles of using robotics in industry and agricultural sector.”

Agricultural industry in developed countries is currently in transition from mechanical to robotized system. The most widely used robotics are by cargo-handling systems, animal and plant care, precision farming tasks and harvesting vegetables, fruits and berries. The most advanced are robotized greenhouses, systems for crop disease diagnosis, system for point-based spraying of fertilizer and other plant chemicals. One of the important factors hindering the introduction process of robotic systems in agriculture is shortage of skilled personnel, which is able to solve the problems of robotization in agricultural enterprises. The study of robots using for agricultural engineering students is one of the most important tasks of modern Russian education.

Alexander Maloletov, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Deputy Head of the Center for Technology of Components of Robotics and Mechatronics:

“We teach the basics of calculating the kinematics and dynamics of universal manipulators. We talk about control methods for robotic systems. We consider the device of unmanned aerial and autonomous vehicles. We give students the basics of mathematical modeling and control of autonomous mobile robots”.

The educational program will last until December 20. At the end of the course, students will get certificates of completion.